Warcraft Orcs & Humans
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Warcraft II, Tides of Darkness (Original Game Audio)
01 - Opening - Tides Of Darkness
02 - Main Menu
03 - Human Act
04 - Human Briefing
05 - Human 01
06 - Human 02
07 - Human 03
08 - Human 04
09 - Human 05
10 - Human 06
11 - Human Victory
12 - Human Defeat
13 - Orc Act
14 - Orc Briefing
22 - Orc Defeat
23 - Disco Warcraft
25 - Human Cinematic - Shoot The Zeppelin
28 - Orc Cinematic - Human Bodies Burning
29 - Orc Cinematic - Giant Turtles
30 - Orc Cinematic - Demon Unleashed
31 - Orc Cinematic - Kill The King (Ending)
33 - Human Cinematic - The Portal Is Gone
34 - Orc Cinematic - The Portal Stays
35 - Autorun Installer (Tides Of Darkness)
38 - Blizzard Logo (B.Net)

Warcraft III, Reign of Chaos & Frozen Throne
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RA850DQJ parte 2
01 - Arcane Echoes
02 - Arrival at Kalimdor
03 - Awakening
04 - Blackrock & Roll
05 - Blight
06 - Bloodlust
07 - Carrion Waves
08 - Cinematic Suite
09 - Doomhammer's Legacy
10 - Frostmourne
11 - Lordaeron Fall
12 - Reign of Chaos
13 - Rise of the Ancients
14 - Temporary Alliances
15 - The Calm
16 - Dark Covenant (Frozen Throne)
17 - Dreadlords' Plight (Frozen Throne)
18 - Return of the Ancients (Frozen Throne)
19 - Legacy of Flame (Frozen Throne)

Word of Warcraft Soundtrack by Jason Hayes
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ME7FX7M7 parte 1
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L21IGDR0 parte 2
01 - Main Title- Legends Of Azeroth
02 - The Shaping Of The World (Exclusive Track)
03 - Legacy (Exclusive Track)
04 - Song Of Elune (Exclusive Track)
05 - Echoes (Exclusive Track)
06 - A Call To Arms
07 - Seasons Of War (Intro Movie)
08 - Stormwind (City Theme)
09 - Orgrimmar (City Theme)
10 - The Undercity (City Theme)
11 - Thunder Bluff (City Theme)
12 - Darnassus (City Theme)
13 - Ironforge (City Theme)
14 - Elwynn Forest (Ambient)
15 - Duskwood (Ambient)
16 - Dun Morogh (Ambient)
17 - Burning Steppes (Ambient)
18 - Shimmering Flats (Ambient)
19 - Felwood (Ambient)
20 - Stranglethorn Vale (Ambient)
21 - Tanaris (Ambient)
22 - Teldrassil (Ambient)
23 - Tavern (Intro Cue)
24 - Moonfall (Intro Cue)
25 - Ruins (Intro Cue)
26 - Temple (Intro Cue)
27 - Lurking (Intro Cue)
28 - Sacred (Intro Cue)
29 - Graveyard (Intro Cue)
30 - War (Intro Cue)

World of Warcraft, The Burning Crusade
01 - The Burning Legion (main title)
02 - Shards of the Exodar
03 - The Sindorei
04 - The Dark portal (cinematic intro)
05 - Origins
06 - Bloodmyst
07 - Wastelands
08 - Caverns of Time - The Battle of Mount Hyjal
09 - Azuremyst Isle
10 - Silvermoon City
11 - Netherstorm
12 - Caverns of Time - The Escape from Durnholde
13 - Outland Suite
14 - The Tower of Karazhan
15 - Illidan
16 - Caverns of Time - Opening of the Dark Portal
17 - Hellfire
18 - The Gates of Ahnqiraj
19 - Shadow of the Necropolis
20 - Taverns
21 - Lament of the Highborne

World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King
01 - Wrath of the Lich King (main theme)
02 - Dragons Rest
03 - Arthas My Son
04 - Path of Tears
05 - Crystalsong
06 - Dalaran
07 - God Hunters
08 - Forged in Blood
09 - Mountains of Thunder
10 - Secrets Long Forgotten
11 - The Kaluak
12 - The Eye of Eternity
13 - Garden of Life
14 - The Culling
15 - Howling Fjord
16 - Rise of the Vrykul
17 - Borean Tundra
18 - Totems of the Grizzlemaw
19 - The Wrath Gate
20 - Angrathars Shadow
21 - Assault on New Avalon

Taverns of Azeroth
01. Lion's Pride (Goldshire Inn)
02. Stonfire
03. Pig and Whistle
04. Gallow's End
05. Elder's Hearth
06. Shady Rest
07. Scarlet Raven
08. Salty Sailor
09. Deepwater
10. Spirit Stone
11. Bad Juju Bar & Grill
12. Slaughtered Lamb
13. Thunderbrew
14. Hunter's Refuge
15. Smoke Lodge
16. Grunt's Place
17. Tarren Mill
18. Bloodsail
19. Temple of the Moon
Echoes of War (Eminence Symphony Orchestra - 2CD-2008)
The Third War Symphony [music from Warcraft III]
01. Journey to Kalimdor
02. Eternity’s End
The Shadow of the Legion Symphony [music from World of Warcraft and The Burning Crusade]
03. A Tenuous Pact
04. Anar’alah Belore
05. The Betrayer and the Sun King
The Visions of the Lich King Overture [music from Wrath of the Lich King]
06. The Visions of the Lich King Overture
The Koprulu Symphony [music from StarCraft]
07. No Matter the Cost [Terran]
08. En Taro Adun [Protoss]
09. Eradicate and Evolve [Zerg]
10. Victorious But Not Unscarred [Starcraft: Ghost]
The Hyperion Overture [music from StarCraft II]
11. The Hyperion Overture
The Symphony of Sanctuary [music from Diablo II, Lord of Destruction, and Diablo III]
12. The Eternal Conflict [Diablo II]
13. Legacy of Terror [Diablo III]
14. Children of the Worldstone [Original Composition by Kow Otani]
15. BONUS: Last Angel [Original Composition by Ladybird Moai]
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